to thine own self be true

As the release date of PIOUS nears and I’m making sure that everyone on earth reads it, I’ve also been working on another plot – a second novel. I’ve been struggling with whether to craft this novel through the voice of first or third-person. Why the struggle, you wonder? My main character is a woman – a pretentious, sarcastic, and murderous woman. Most of you who know me know that I am not those things.

I want my reader to see this story through the main character’s eyes but I have a lot of other stories to tell beyond of her purview. There is a very important scene toward the end that calls for a first-person point-of-view but the other stories need more of a third-person omniscient narrative. There are, of course, artful ways to do this but I feel that I would be limping through the storytelling and forsaking the proven strength that I do have. What to do? What to do?

Yesterday, during an evening run, it came to me. “To thine own self be true.” The consistent advance praise that I’ve gotten for PIOUS thus far is the way I immerse the reader into the story with the voice of my words. My sophomore effort should be no less and so I’ve decided to write my second novel from a third person perspective. This is likely of no consequence to you right now but there is something to gain from my internal rant and struggle. Be true to who you are. Know your strengths and use them above your weaknesses.

And so I close with an excerpt from my favorite Shakespeare piece, Hamlet – (Act 1, scene 3, 78–82).

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!

Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord.

clark kenn-t

The start of another day set to fight crime and bad design.

off to fight crime and bad design

Pious, a website by Kenn Bivins

Pious, a novel by Kenn Bivins (that’s me), will be debuting soon and to create tingly-pee-down-your-leg excitement, I’m happy to announce the debut of Pious, a website by Kenn Bivins.

There will be a LOT more added to the site as the release date draws nearer but in the meantime enjoy the tasty nuggets that are there now such as… the first chapter of Pious, the complete music playlist to accompany the reading of Pious, a synopsis, and a bio of yours truly. Are you feeling tingly yet?

Pious, a website by Kenn Bivins


kenn bivins 40

born again

Today is my birthday.
I’m 40.
I don’t feel it.

In other news,
I turned in my resignation today.

I’ll be working as an Art Director at my new gig.
God is awesome in his timing.
Yay, God! You go!

As for today and the rest of the week…
I relax, reflect, and reset.
I’m digging this 40.

when I grow old…

No, I don’t want to be slow moving and white (cue laugh track) but I DO want to be as full of life and laughter as these three dudes aged 72, 77, and 81. It takes them a while to get started but once they get into the crotch grabbing homage to Michael Jackson, they do it with such vigor that you can’t help but LOL.

Avondale Estates is a city where…

  • the population is just under 3000.
  • Tudor-style buildings adorn the downtown area.
  • the most reported crime to date is theft.
  • the least reported crime is rape.
  • the most common pet is the dog.
  • the most annoying pest is the mosquito.
  • those very mosquitoes will eat your dog… and your unattended babies.
  • you will miss passing through if you blink or are distracted while picking your nose.
  • Kenn Bivins, the multi-faceted author of PIOUS, lives and is planning his breakout novel’s debut.

Avondale Estates, GA