Kahlil Joseph does it again. Beautifully arresting.
she offered me hope
but all I got was smoke
and mirrors, I suppose
reflected truth all along
no one to blame but me
my fault, no receipt
nice jersey, wrong team
I should watch what I believe
smoke got in my eye
ash got in my eye
Bedside or roadside, life ebbs then subsides
Bleeding from inside, drivers all just pass by
Yesterday or previous, part of some great ‘what was’
Vultures circle up above, ashes to ashes then dust
Newborn to carrion, I mourn while I tarry some
While life ends and new pretends, I will carry on.
dawn of night
Look both ways before you cross the street
Don’t drop your left and move your feet
Mind your elders, your ma’ams and sirs
Always fear God, nice guys finish first
be more awesome
I think we all need a pep talk.
“What if Michael Jordan had quit when he was in high school? He would’ve never made Space Jam. And I love Space Jam.”
This is life, people. What will be your Space Jam? This is life, people. Be inspired. And inspiring.
the ‘end’ word
The end. Finis. Caput. Happily ever after. I finally finished the second draft of my second novel.
I remember 19
Okay, actually, I don’t remember 19. And I definitely wasn’t wearing it as cool as this guy.