“Bitch, bad. Woman, good. Lady, better. They misunderstood.” Lupe Fiasco says it all and kills it on this one.
If you live to be a hundred…
I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. ― A.A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh
before Breaking Bad
Long before they were bleeding from the gray areas of fate to the dark recesses of bad, the stars of AMC’s Breaking Bad were portrayed in lesser roles of ‘badness’ earlier in their careers. Take a look at the stars before the meth.
Are you really free? Really?
show up
If I had to theorize what a man has to do to become a great dad, I would say that all that he has to do is show up.
Now don’t misunderstand me. There are many intricacies, complexities and responsibilities to parenting that I don’t intend to minimize with that statement. But how many games, how many recitals, how many parent-teacher conferences, how many little kids faces would be forever changed if more dads would just show up? Sometimes the solution is just that simple.
real dads do
OOSA Bookclub featured me in an article entitled, “Real Dads Do Real Things.”
have you seen this man?
Me neither.