graduation 2012

On May 26, 2012, my eldest son and namesake, Kenn II, graduated from Campbell High School. I’m a little late in sharing, but here are a few pics of him on his day.


Want a creative jolt of inspiration? Here you are. Pixels by Patrick Jean of One More Production. 8-bit creatures invade New York. You’re welcome.


1862 in the city of Puebla

Cinco de Mayo or for you non-Spanish majors, the 5th of May, is upon us. It is not Mexico’s Independence Day which is in fact September 16. Cinco de Mayo is not a federal Mexican holiday at all. Its first observance actually began in the state of California. That’s right. The U-S-of-A. To this day, the festivities include indulgence in traditional Mexican food, drink, music, and dance.

I’m not a fan of ignorance – not even when ignorance comes in vacuum-packed, travel-sized, cute packages that seemingly harm no one. It’s one of my pet peeves that some people choose to simply embrace and consume ignorance rather than question what, where, or why behind something.

b*tches in bookshops

Two beautiful book nerds, Shea Delaney and Annabelle Quezada, spoofed Jay Z and Kanye West’s
‘N*ggas in Paris’ with the witty ‘B*tches in Bookshops.’ Perhaps I, myself, am a nerd for posting this. Perhaps I’m a bigger nerd in that I’m proud of it.

Pious, a commercial

For AP Lit class, my son had to produce a commercial of one of the novels that he read this school year. Without any coaching or assistance from me, he chose Pious as his subject.

Weetabix, a Girl and Dancing Bears – oh my

Commercials are meant to make you want to buy stuff that you don’t really need. This one does an amazing job of just that as it features a kid crunk dancing to dubstep after her imagination is fueled by eating a spoonful of Weetabix Chocolate Spoonsize.

I suddenly find myself wanting a bowl full. Oh, and I’m compelled to dance with teddy bears.

corporate meeting

silent outside. restrained voices
and murmur or muffle of sound.
incoherent. beating irregular.

inside. behind the transparent walls,
shutting out the silence, I scream.
Shrieking. Clawing. Gasping.

Glass breaks. Metal crumples.
Concrete crumbles. Water violently sloshes.
Am I really here? Still?