word up, my ninjas

As a writer, I love words. Words are sexy. They can tell us so much about where we are and, many times, where we’re from. Take the word, nigger, or it’s politically correct presentation – the N-word. regardless of how you brand it, the word is pretty hateful. I don’t care what hip hop culture says.

happy new year(s)?

One of my pet peeves during this most reflective time of year is when people recite some configuration of ‘New Year’ but with an ‘s’ added to the end.

one little Christmas tree

When I was a little boy around this time of year, the Christmas tree would ignite my little imagination with hope and anticipation of what Christmas morning might bring. The air was filled with smells of my mom’s cooking and the sounds of Motown Christmas songs. One song, in particular, was my favorite. I begged my mom to play it over and over again. It was “One Little Christmas Tree” by Stevie Wonder. I felt akin to that little tree – tiny and small.

the truth about L-tryptophan

Our word for the day: L-tryptophan (ell-trip-toe-fan).

It’s the supposed active ingredient in turkey that makes you feel sleepy and sluggish after that big Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Some like to refer to this post-meal drowsiness as the ‘itis.’ Well, the fact is that L-tryptophan is not the culprit of your feelings of grogginess, sleepiness and sudden exhaustion.

i am undun

I knew the day would come. The Roots would release their latest album, undun, and the bar would not only be raised in the Hip Hop game, it would be raised in the Music game.

thankful heart, happy heart

So many people talk about being thankful, but sometimes truly being thankful is difficult. I’ve found that thinking on the simplest things that you have, but can’t imagine doing without, is a good way to start toward the path of thankfulness.

real men show up

November is also known to a few hundred thousand people as Movember. Mo is phonetically referring to mustache and “real men” all over the globe are growing them this month as a display of solidarity of educating the masses on men’s health.