everything must change

“Everything must change. Nothing stays the same. Everyone will change. No one, no one stays the same.”

And so the song continues with Nina Simone singing about change, while real life continues as it always has. Changing.

Fall is upon us and it is my favorite season. There is something beautiful about being reminded that nothing lasts forever. There is a thankfulness that shoves to the front of my consciousness to know that winter, in both season and life, is near.

Fall brings with it crisp, cooler air, changing foliage colors, shorter days, and a seasonal quiet where I’m reminded with good and not-so-good circumstance, change is just around the corner. Be thankful in where you are and be thankful in where you don’t have to stay forever. Be encouraged in that. Be.


I wanna hold your hand
I wanna be your man
I wanna be the sand that runs through your toes
Ending up in unsuspecting places of the crannies and folds of your clothes.

A chair is not a chair
A weave is not her hair
A burning house is not a flare when there’s no one standing close
To witness who was so lonely for attention that he’d torch his own abode.

I wanna kiss your face
I wanna run your race
I wanna occupy your space like some random thought
That public education, good nutrition and moderate exercise just bought.


institutions could not contain you
like my arms and heart has plans

undone and spread apparent
v stitched across this man

podcast interview with kenn

The Opinionless Authors series is a new, monthly podcast program dedicated to talking with up-and-coming writers about what fuels their creative process and what drives their work. I am the first featured author in the series where I talk about Pious, the Opinionless Virtual Bookclub’s official selection for the month of June.

Listen in to this one-on-one, spoiler-free discussion centered on Pious. I also talk a little bit about my upcoming novel that will be released later this year. Enjoy.