petty (hate) crimes

I love cop dramas and thanks to Netflix I can watch The Wire, The Shield, Dexter, Southland, Flashpoint, or whatever whenever I have the time and desire to satisfy my ‘fix.’ This past weekend I was watching one of the aforementioned cop shows and the theme of one particular episode was ‘hate crimes.’

goodbye. hello.

My name is Kenn Bivins and I am a Renaissance man. To some that means that my expertise covers a significant number of different subject areas. To others it means that I’m just random for no reason. I’ll claim both.

goes away in the end

“Hurt” as song by the legend, Johnny Cash. This song is both haunting and beautiful.
And as I dig into the heart of my second novel, this song is on repeat in my playlist.

introvert extrovert

This is a great article from Huffington Post that seems to validate that I am normal in most of my abnormalites. While J. Randy Taraborelli is specifically referring to Michael Jackson, I think the words reign true for most creative people.

“Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted. We’re usually one or the other, either preferring to be in the thick of crowds or sitting on the sidelines and observing the passing show. In fact, in psychological research, extroversion and introversion are considered the most stable personality traits that differentiate people from each other and that can be reliability measured. Creative individuals, on the other hand, seem to exhibit both traits simultaneously.” – J. Randy Taraborelli, Michael Jackson biographer

adulation for Spencer

Congratulations and adulation for Spencer, my 12-year old, who received awards for “Exceptional Academics” and “Team Participation” from his middle school basketball team, the Spartans.

Don’t stop, get it get it, Spencer. Dad is so very proud of you.

pruned to prevent proximity to power

I’m aware that it’s standard practice for the Department of Transportation to prune tree branches to keep them from interfering with power lines. In city limits in the south, it’s nothing to see trees that are full of life on one side while on the opposite side, all that is there are dead knotholes where branches once gave life to green.

never tear us apart

“We could live for a thousand years
But if I hurt you, I’d make wine from your tears.” – INXS (covered by Ben Harper)

don’t let it take the fight outta you

“The lies you live become you,
The love you loose, it numbs you.
Don’t let it take the fight outta you.” – Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals from “Fight Outta You