Today is Veteran’s Day and I want to thank all of those who have bravely served our country through military service. You are true heroes. Thank you for the sacrifice.
some people have real problems
A week has come and gone since I began my humble participation in NaNoWriMo. I’ve confirmed what I already knew. Writing a novel is hard work. I love writing… but 30 days might as well be one weekend. It didn’t help matters when one of my writing buddies revealed her word count to be four times mine after a few days.
Quandra is a great writer and all – Actually she’s awesome. I’ve read her first bit and I’m sold – but I invited her to participate. She just comes in and takes over with her fancy 11,000+ start. And then there is Sylvia. Ms. Super-Writer-Director-Renaissance-Woman quietly doubled her word count in a matter of days making the above-11k mark where the real cool people hang out. James is MIA as he’s been on vacation for a week. A whole week. He’s the genius who told me about NaNoWriMo in the first place. He hasn’t shared his word count so he’s probably halfway done by now. (sigh) My friends have unknowingly taken it from friends-supporting-one-another to some kind of writing-smackdown-competition. Quandra, James, and Sylvia, I love you, think you’re great writers, and support you to the end. And now I will destroy you.
Friendly like. Of course I’m kidding. Kind of.
a few November 5 newspapers
A lot of you rushed out and bought newspapers on November 5, 2008 to commemorate the historic day of Barack Obama winning the office of President of the United States. Here are a few scans of those newspapers. You’ll need something like Adobe Reader to be able to view them. Enjoy…
Austin American Statesman
Boston Globe
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
Hartford Courant
Los Angeles Times
Times Picayune
USA Today
WallStreet Journal
Washington Post
297 wins it. ’nuff said.
running with a sharp pencil
Today is Saturday, November 1, the first day of National Novel Writers Month (NaNoWriMo). Today is the also likely the beginning of the end of my sanity as I know it. For you see, today I start writing a novel. 50,000 words. In 30 days.
In participation of NaNoWriMo, I have publicly declared and committed to attempt to write a novel in 30 days and share my progress and word count with the world (see the counter on the right). I’m not sure what that looks like but I am nervously starting with a great idea, some semblance of a plot, and no outline. I ask for your encouragement, prayers, advice, free meals, and sympathy. Stay tuned.
like fishes
If stitches were like riches
Then my wishes are quite listless
So no suture for my troubles
I’ll bleed out like gutted fishes
If I’m digging you like ditches
But I’ve used up all my wishes
Then unrequited is my lust
Unreturned are my kisses
If mistaken are my pitches
Like a perfect page of glitches
Or abandoned box of bitches
Or real purpose with no niches
Can somebody say what this is?
If big hits were like misses
Then I guess I found my riches
And I’m not gasping and collapsing
Like a flock of landed fishes.
random advice #82
Don’t fixate on your weaknesses and what you can’t do. Focus on your strengths and what you can do.