not sure why the baby is upside down or why I’m doodling babies but…
sketching Kirby
I was reading an interview on the early years of Jack Kirby, the artist and co-creator of Spider-Man, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Captain America, and a host of other comic book legends. Since I have a tendency to doodle as I read, talk, or work, I figured I would start sharing those distractions with you here. These are by no means complete works of art. They are instead line ramblings and doodles. Enjoy the deviation.
wake Up
Thinking of you sleeping right before you wake up
Has me so warm to steeping that I’m about to break up
The visual of you wrapped in sheets not wearing any makeup
Has me so terse that if I burst then I could fill a lake up
There must be some hobby or craft I can maybe take up
In the event that you awaken and decide to pull your stakes up
Or in honor of you and this view I could build a cake up
That says “You’re on my mind and all for just the sake of”
Thinking of you stirring right before you wake up
There I go again thinking of something we could make up
Like leave the sheets in disarray or toss the pillows as some quake up
But then maybe this is a just a dream. Don’t ever want to wake up.
best. show. ever.
The Wire ended it’s 5-season run last night and I am sad to see it end. No more Omar. No more Bunk. No more McNulty. No more Bubbs. No more Simon genius.
This was an excellent show and if you’ve never seen it, invest in the dvd’s.
Good writing. Good social commentary. Good characters. Good laughs.
Good cries. Good watching.
To all who worked on the show, “Job well done!”
happy birthday, sam
She do not like green eggs and ham
She do like granola and vegetarian spam
Great talent in 3D God attributed to her
A mature immaturity and a dog named Gir
Hailing for Detroit but it’s not all her fault
Happy Birthday, Samara. Tip you glass of gluten-free, flax seed, soy-laden malt.
Check out Samara’s skills at her website and wish her happy 30. Welcome to MY decade, young’un. Now life REALLY starts.
i love you today… and tomorrow
Know that I loved you yesterday though there is no aftertaste of chocolate or dullness of a hangover. Know that I don’t conform to empty traditions and postures and thank you for accepting me in this. Know that I don’t need a day or excuse or floating filament to attest to my sentiment.
Above all, know that I loved you yesterday. I love you today. And I’ll love you tomorrow, my Friends. Have a bright one.
Cordon off the area
Secure the halls
There’s honey on the floor
Sugar on the walls
There’s flowers in a vase
Rose petals on the bed
Bathtub full of milk
And someone has lost his head
Aromatic candles flicker soft
No light switch can be found
The silence is suspicious
Wait, there is a subtle sound
Heartbeats or footsteps
Or bodies falling down steps
Ambient, rhythmic moaning
Thrust into the depths
No body nor a weapon
Nor motive for suspense
Yet someone’s been affected
By the preponderance of evidence.
kenn ’05
ken = understanding?
I learned this morning that ken is a real word and it means understanding. Imagine that.