that’s NOT love

Love isn’t supposed to hurt – physically, psychologically, or sexually. If it does and that hurt is routine and intentional, that’s not love.

fall en

yesternight, full moon rocked
this night’s show, autumnal equinox
day and night are equal, again
yin and yang and us akin
spring, I fell forward
but now I just Fall in.

like Judas

if we’re truly honest with ourselves, we would be cognizant that we have the propensity to be like Judas while striving to be like Jesus. the enemy isn’t always charging toward us. sometimes, he is us. resist him, and moreover, be aware of negative influences – outside and inside.

know Your Worth

neither ignore nor indulge in people’s praise. instead, love and work with steady diligence, regardless of public response.


thankfulness is the best defense against adversaries like anxiety, disappointment, depression and even despair, despite what strongholds have you right now. try it and see what happens. #defense

make your own

joy isn’t made in a factory or packaged for consumption, it’s made by you. fresh. daily. #makeYourOwnHappiness

where is your heart?

wherever you retreat without obligation, there your heart is also.

looking backward

looking backward is a temporal exercise for the eyes to strengthen them, so that they can better focus and look forward. #eyesForwardNow