This is a preview of the forthcoming documentary, “Dark Girls” by acclaimed director, Bill Duke. It explores the emotional topic of prejudice and discrimination targeted toward dark-skinned women in the Black community. Sadly, a lot of that prejudice comes from within the color barrier.
I can’t wait until this is available for public viewing. Other than a press release, all I could glean was that “Dark Girls” will screen in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York following its Nashville premier. No word on what date that premier is.
Katina says:
Well there is a LOT I could say about this topic…really. After seeing the preview though I can say that my feelings about this movie are not all positive. I should probably wait ’til I can see the entire movie before committing to my current thoughts about it.
tiffany says:
I know this is an often talked about issue in the black community, but it’s not our issue alone. When one talks about blackness and beauty there are just a multitude of factors that come into play and not just race alone, but class also. Caucasions are the dominant and most powerful culture in this world so of course they not only dictate but become THE standard of beauty. I personally hold no judgement there…it is what it is. That’s why many people of Asian descent get blepheroplasty to give thier eyes a crease that makes them look more round and they also have a high incidence of bleach cream use. But all people want to be what they are not, why white people get tans and perms and lip fillers and butt implants. At some point we need to embrace the inherent beauty of all cultures and people.
Katina says:
I could not agree with you more!
Have you seen some of the “Fair and Lovely” or “Fair and Handsome” commercials?
In the last one somehow the cream made her hair blond and her eyes blue (smh).
In another instance, on the topic of discrimination within families, I read of a polish jewish girl (brown hair and dark eyes) who felt her sister was favored more because she had blond hair and blue eyes…
Even if we all looked the same, there would still be discrimination based on class, education, culture…you name it.
Katina says:
Watch this too (it confirms one of the statements in the preview)…but reinforces your point Tiffany that it’s not an issue that is unique to blacks alone…
Nicole Johnson says:
Well said, Tiffany! I could not agree with you more. As black women we must first realize that we are beautiful before others will embrace our beauty. Low self esteem is rampant in our communities. Many of us are so wrapped up in our outer-beauty that we forget to work on our inner-selves. Meanwhile, our hair and makeup ofter appear flawless but our heats are broken, our thoughts are malicious, our demeanor is cold and we lack compasssion.
Lyn Thomas says:
@ Katina
I enjoyed the links you provided, I teach World Geography to 8th graders and the issue of race and ethnic groups is one repeated in all societies. I too have a few non-positive thoughts about the promo, one is that by focusing on one group over another provides further ammo for the distance. I am lighter skinned and most of the racism/prejudice I have faced have come from my own people. The main criticism is not being black enough in regards to my complexion, I’ve been hated by complete strangers for the way I look. We need to broaden the worlds view of beauty, taking it from the external to the internal as well. We are not our hair or skin…
Katina says:
Lyn…..I wasn’t gonna go there, but you pretty much nailed my sentiment. 🙂 —>”by focusing on one group over another provides further ammo for the distance. ” I really am holding back a lot of what I could say about this issue because for one, it is a sensitive topic (with valid points for ALL complexions on the spectrum of what we call “black”) and when it comes to sensitive topics, people don’t usually read material in the tone it was intended. This is one of those things that should be discussed as a group…over some tea (or coffee for the bean lovers ha-ha). 😉
kenn says:
Katina, Lyn, Tiff, and others – the opportunity to have this conversation in depth and over beverages will come soon enough as I’m addressing this issue and pulling no punches in my upcoming novel. Growing up in the south availed many experiences and they’re not limited to women on this issue.