It is official, Friends. Five months, tons of research, and 65,000 words later…
my novel is complete. (cue the cheering)
The ending is kind of anticlimactic actually. Not the ending of the novel but the ending of my
5-month adventure in writing the novel. Maybe it will hit me next week as I begin storyboarding my first children’s book. During the month of June when I plan to blog everyday, I will tell you more about the novel and my next few projects. See you soon.
tiff says:
Ahh, how wonderous this thing!!!!
I think you will just be like going through your day and it will hit you. Eating breakfast and you will think “I wrote a book”. Tapping away at the computer ” I’m a novelist”. Again how wonderous this thing you have done…created!
I am going to die the day i am browsing around in Borders and see your book in there!
Max Reddick says:
Glad to see you’re back. Look forward to reading the new novel.
Tomasino says:
That’s super awesome, Kenn. I really can’t wait to read it. Take a break for a day or two and relax and enjoy it.
cdrogers says:
Cool. So like, when do I get to read it? 🙂
Nancia Leath says:
Happy Birthday King Ken Ken! Congrats on your novel, I can’t wait to read it. I have no doubt its a success. Smiling for you!