june 1, 2011

Today is my birthday.
I’m 41.
I don’t feel it,

As a matter of fact
I feel better now
Than I did
In my twenties.

No, 41 is not the new 21.
That’s just stupid math.
41 is just 41
And I’m just blessed.

With good health, a good job,
good credit, a home,
And talent that provides a livelihood.
Yeah, I’m just blessed.

Some would say that I’m middle-aged.
I would say that I’m little-aged.
I have many more miles to go.
Iā€™m digging this 41.

Published by kenn

author. developer. illustrator. Renaissance man.

2 thoughts on “june 1, 2011”

  1. tiffany says:

    Today you are forty-one
    and living life out in the Sun
    Coolest cat around
    No sleep until life is done
    (unless you’re me and a total slacker)
    Hope THIS kennsday is crazy fun.

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  2. Katina says:

    So….I saw this post after the other one… lol! You are blessed buddy šŸ™‚ and nobody can tell you’re not 21 unless you tell them lol… (but you already did that ha-ha)

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