My fingers have become more articulate
At the idea that you they may touch
My nostrils flair and filter out random flavorings
For your scent and zephyr is near
My tongue had suffered that which was insipid
While the advent of you was pending
Colors I have not known for many seasons
And your foliage, they startle me into an awakened state
I want to disturb your pile of leaves
And heed the chorus that my entry provokes
My imagination, now amplified by your brisk touch,
Seeks a covering or a blanket but not for the sake of isolation
Instead for the sake of insulation
Protecting, loving, comforting, reminding
With your unprecedented, familiar unfamiliar
I have learned to Fall
In new ways.
tiff says:
Today the birds refuse to sing
because thier songs cannot match
the beauty of yours.
Blown away Kenn.
Nancia says:
King Kenn,
This was awesome, you are truly talented!!! Thank you for such nice piece of art. Smiles:)
asabi says:
yet one more reason why i love the fall..beautiful
averagebluu says:
Clarity says:
Autumn, Spring’s Sister
Slips a sleep drape into place
Feel her bright bronze breeze
Katina says:
Holy mackerel lol!!!
Gonna get a glass of water and a fan (rofl!)
All kidding aside, great work! 🙂
kenn says:
Thanks 🙂