random advice #70

Do something once a day that scares you. – Eleanor Roosevelt

In kenn-speak, break from your routine, step outside of your comfort zone, and LIVE. Daily.

Published by kenn

author. developer. illustrator. Renaissance man.

2 thoughts on “random advice #70”

  1. Sam I Am says:

    Oh yes, I did that today. I decided to leave work early, and hung out with my neighbor and some of her friends. Very far from my normal friday afternoons…. or any afternoon for that fact. Lol. 🙂

    I’m working on coming out of “that” stereotype. 🙂


  2. averagebluu says:

    I enjoyed it all….Thought provoking…articulate….precise…unusual…clever….ahhh and intriging. Today I did something that scared me…I allowed myself to be excited by the possibilities….Ya feel me? LOL :-).

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