Lena Nelson Dooley is an award-winning Christian novelist and she interviewed me a few months ago about my first novel, Pious. This is that awesome interview.
Also, enter for a chance to win a free, autographed copy of Pious simply by leaving a comment at Lena’s blog and stating where you live or at least the state or general area. Good luck.
Zack says:
I really like the author’s approach to the modern life. Instead of looking into worn out everyday situations (which are over-used in most of the published literature), he takes a fresh approach examining an interesting viewpoint that has not been explored much yet.
I also like the artwork on the cover.
If the publishing houses decided to get out of their comfort zone and look into acquiring some fresh blood for their clientele, they might have a chance of beating the recession. But then again, it’s better for us self-published writers if they don’t as they leave more potential buyers for us. Apparently the author has realized this. I hope this book continues to sell and makes it big!