Tomorrow (June 20th) is Summer Solstice, a celebration of the longest day of the year and the beginning of Summer. Every year, my awesome neighbors prime the sod couches in the courtyard, fill up the pool, warm up the grill, and invite dozens upon dozens of family, friends, and apparent strangers to party with them under the sun until the moon comes and then the sun.
If you’d like to be amongst the hot, cool people and you’re near Atlanta this Saturday, shoot me an email and I’ll give you the details.
* Picture above credited to Todd Pullen
Max Reddick says:
Well, from where I’m sitting, the fact that tomorrow will be the longest day of the year is no cause for celebration. It’s hot! Hell hot! We’re caught up in some strange weather phenomenon that the weather man tried to explain this morning. So a longer day simply means more time for the sweltering ravages of Mother Nature.
But the way you describe it is so ideal. And paired with that image I can only wish I were there. m Eat some bar-b-q for me!
Sam I Am says:
Ahh… In my honor and absence throw a soy, garden, veggie something on the grill for me. 🙂
Nobody will probably eat it, and it might catch fire, but that’s not the point. lol.
Catch you next month when I breeze through Atlanta again. Have fun till the sun comes round.
kenn says:
Can’t wait to see you again, Sam. There will be no breeze when you get here though. But then again, you’re accustomed to that.