God is nearer

I wake up. The sun winks at me. The birds have already begun rehearsing for their concert later. It will be glorious.

I think of my sons. I need to text my oldest and ask him a question. But I’ll see both of them later today so I’ll wait. They’re both growing like wanted weeds. I smile at the thought of weeds with their heads on top, swaying in the wind. Random, I know.

I breathe in and out. My allergy symptoms are gone. So is that lingering headache. Nice!

I have some new novel ideas that I want to write down and I think I can crank out that chapter I was stuck on last night. But breakfast first. My refrigerator is so full, I don’t know what I want. Plus I don’t feel like cooking. Maybe I’ll go get breakfast. Do I have enough money? Yep. Payday wasn’t too long ago.

Should I ride my bike or drive my car? It’s such a beautiful day. I think I’ll walk on these healthy legs and save my full tank of gas for the job that i have to go to on Monday. Yeah. For now, I will rejoice in this day.

God is near.

Published by kenn

author. developer. illustrator. Renaissance man.

3 thoughts on “God is nearer”

  1. June says:

    Love this! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. tiffany says:

    I am a “Jesus Freak” and one of my fave writers is Kurt Vonnegut an atheist who often quoted Jesus and the bible in his essays. And though Vonnegut didn’t hold the same beliefs as I do, we both could meet on the same common ground that something is seriously wrong with this society that mankind has created, that so many people sold everything and traveled thousands of miles searching for something, anything that might help them to escape the pain they are living in. So many of us are getting the purpose of our lives wrong, focusing on our own personal needs and wants and what divides us. Something is wrong with a world that can’t do as you did Kenn and wake up each morning cherishing the wonder and beauty and precious gift that is life and love.

  3. kenn says:

    It is my desire to wake up this way every morning but the truth is that I don’t. Those mornings that I do start reflecting on what is good, I find myself feeling more in line with my purpose and less distracted by all of the things that don’t matter in this life. God is near and to really know that is an amazing and scary yet freeing thing.

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