goodbye. hello.

My name is Kenn Bivins and I am a Renaissance man. To some that means that my expertise covers a significant number of different subject areas. To others it means that I’m just random for no reason. I’ll claim both.

My name is Kenn Bivins and I am a writer. I tell stories with words and I am the author of the acclaimed novel, Pious. I’m working on my second novel and best seller. It’s likely to be released later this year.

My name is Kenn Bivins and I am an Art Director. That means a lot of different things depending on who you talk to but in regards to me, it means that I illustrate, design, and write code all from the same brain. And I do it well.

My name is Kenn Bivins and I just said goodbye to musing, my blog of 5 years. Welcome to my new one. It’s random. Hello.

Published by kenn

author. developer. illustrator. Renaissance man.

6 thoughts on “goodbye. hello.”

  1. Nicole Johnson says:

    There is perfection in randomness… I believe it’s called being perfectly random! How about that!

  2. Kim Robinson says:

    New Beginnings, I like. Waiting on the next best sellers.

  3. kenn says:

    Thank you for your kind words, Nicole and Kim. I love the creativity that is unleashed with allowing ourselves to be completely random at times.

  4. Katina says:

    Wow! I like the new look. It’s a nice “renaissance” if I do say so myself 🙂

  5. kenn says:

    Thanks, Katina.

  6. Glendon Cameron says:

    Random is a wonderful, thing, welcome to you bruh!

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