happy NaNoWriMo

Sunlight peers from behind a drifting cloud but the sharp bite of a pre-winter wind remarks that this is indeed the dawn of November and the beginning of National Novel Writers Month or NaNoWriMo.

Last year as a participant of NaNoWriMo, I began writing my first novel, Pious. I have since completed that tale and am working on painting the cover for it now. AND I am happy to announce that Pious will see bookshelves and your happy little hands in spring of 2010. Yay!

So be encouraged, NaNoWriMo-ians and fear not. The journey is the fun part so write on.

running with a pencil

You can tell what you trust by the things that you fear.” – Jon Foreman

Published by kenn

author. developer. illustrator. Renaissance man.

2 thoughts on “happy NaNoWriMo”

  1. Sam I Am says:

    Spring! Sweet.. I’ll be in line for my copy. 🙂 and congrats on breaking ground on a new novel.

  2. Tomasino says:

    That’s awesome news, Kenn! So fast too! Congratulations. 🙂

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