Pious was released one year ago and I, Kenn Bivins, was an unknown name in the literary field. There were no assurances to potential readers that my debut novel was worth their dime or time. Dozens of glowing reviews, book club features, top novel lists and a year later, one could say that Pious has done quite well in leading my foray into telling stories with words.
[alert style=”white”] Thank you to all of my readers, reviewers, critics, supporters and cheerleaders.
Pious could not have been a great success thus far without you. [/alert]
As of today, the paperback version has become a collector’s item, as I have ended my contract with the publisher. It’s a bittersweet feeling as I consider the finality of being separated from Two Harbors Press yet, at the same time, the freedom to take my creation to other media outlets. While I’ve done most of the marketing and promotion of Pious, they have served very well as a distributor and made Pious widely available in bookstores, online and in other countries.
The beginning of 2012, Pious will be listed as “out of print” so if you haven’t gotten your copy, secure one, or several, now. There is a limited number of autographed copies still available too but they’re going quickly.
My next tale, The Wedding and Disaster of Felona Mabel, will be coming soon. I look forward to being worth your dime and time again soon. Thank you for reading me.
Katina says:
Welp! I’m glad I got my autographed copy 😀 and I plan to get an autographed copy of your second book too. When you hit the big times (NYT Bestseller list) I’ll have proof that I believed in you since day one (haha). Keep it moving forward Mr. Bivins. You are a very talented writer.
Tanisha Rankins says:
Wow, I’m certainly glad I got my autographed copy in the nick of time. I’m going to curl up tomorrow and delve into the pages and see where it takes me. Hopefully it will leave me with the challenge of not wanting to return:)