
Yesterday, I turned 39. Yep. I’m pretty proud of it. 39 years ago at 3:35pm, I was born weighing 8 pounds and 5 ounces. My birth certificate is a reminder of the time we lived in, as my parents actually filled in their race as COLORED. Times have changed.

Thank you for all of the birthday love, Friends. It makes a guy feel special when loved ones, as well as strangers, send messages or thoughts of well wishes. Most of you resisted to remark on my age. Thanks. Maybe before now, a lot of you didn’t know. At 39, I’m not feeling my age or any hint of truth to the “old” jokes. Maybe that starts at 93. Maybe.

Published by kenn

author. developer. illustrator. Renaissance man.

One thought on “thirty-nine”

  1. Max Reddick says:

    Colored, huh? I guess it could have been a lot worse. Happy belated birthday.

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