Weetabix, a Girl and Dancing Bears – oh my

Commercials are meant to make you want to buy stuff that you don’t really need. This one does an amazing job of just that as it features a kid crunk dancing to dubstep after her imagination is fueled by eating a spoonful of Weetabix Chocolate Spoonsize.

I suddenly find myself wanting a bowl full. Oh, and I’m compelled to dance with teddy bears.

Published by kenn

author. developer. illustrator. Renaissance man.

3 thoughts on “Weetabix, a Girl and Dancing Bears – oh my”

  1. tiff says:

    I rarely eat cereal, but if it could do that for me I would gladly trade in my breakfast of champions
    i.e. a pot of coffee for Weetabix. It was cool to watch the behind the scenes, I never realized that much went into making a commercial and I’m super jealous that they get to have so much fun at work. The one tragic part is that when I dance I look waaay more like all the corny white guys at the end of the behind the scenes clip and not at all like the little girl or other crunk dancers. 🙁

  2. Cherie says:

    I LOVE THIS!!!! What is wonderful is only 5 seconds were focused on the cereal and the remaining 55 seconds took me to a magical place. I need to share this with my short person. And, yes, I’d buy that darn cereal in a heartbeat.

  3. Lyn Thomas says:

    I dance like that every morning after eating Raisin Bran Crunch! (LMAO-new acronym for Lying My Ass Off!)
    Loved the making of bit too!

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