When I was in high school, there were two certainties that few could avoid – acne and tests. There was no way around it. I swore that when I grew up that my skin would be clear and I would never have to take a test again. Ahh, silly youth.
My eldest son, Kenn II, is handling the pressures and certainties of teenager-dom much better than I did. Less than a month ago, he aced the driver’s test and scored his driver’s license (yay!! wooo!! go kenn!!) And just yesterday, he found out that he scored advanced proficiency on all sections of the graduation test (woot woot!! get it get it!! you show ’em!!)
Kenn II is indeed proficient in all things that he has set his mind to. In less than 8 days, he will be transitioning into the cool pants of a High School Senior. I’m very proud of him and for a moment, I just wanted to be that obnoxious parent with the internet equivalent of “my child is an honor student” bumper sticker.
(clears throat) I would also like to announce that Kenn II is considering summer employment opportunities. If you have hiring power or know of a reputable business that is willing to take on a proficient, hard-working, responsible, polite teenager with a ton of integrity, shoot me an email. The future is now.
Nichole says:
Congrats, dad. You done good!
kenn says:
Thanks, Nichole. We’re a work-in-progress 🙂