17 reasons

Today, January 19, 2011, my namesake and beloved son turns 17 so it’s only appropriate that I list 17 reasons as to why Kenneth Christopher Bivins II is so awesome. This is by no means, a comprehensive list of why he’s so awesome.

marks you leave behind

My sons and I have this game that we play at home where someone will start a drawing on the hallway dry erase board. Then it is up to the two that remain to change the meaning (and innocence) of the initial scribble.

cord of three

And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

we’re baaaa-aack

we're baaaa-aack

Actually it’s mostly me, Kenn, who is back from the nether-reaches of real life but my ever loyal sidekicks are never far behind.

I’m back to frequent (at least 3 times a week) blogging so I look forward to our exchanges. My novel, PIOUS, will be coming out pretty soon and I have some very exciting things to share leading up to that experience. Cover art, release date, and book website to be revealed soon.

happy birthday, kenneth christopher bivins II

16 years ago or January 19, 1994, my namesake and firstborn graced the world with his pale yellow face. Kenn 2.0 or King K or Kenneth Christopher Bivins II, Dad loves you. You’ve been making a difference since 1994. Happy Birthday, Kenn.

Kenn II turns 16

Kenn II turns 16