I thought I’d take a break from novel writing to jot down nine random bits of wisdom to pass along to my amazingly intelligent readers who may very well scoff at the lack of wisdom that these nuggets actually contain. And yes, many of these have both surface and layered meaning…
- Novel writing is hard work and challenging to one’s latent attention deficit disorder.
- Always make sure the that top is on before shaking vigorously.
- Infants cry to build up strength in their lungs. Lungs are important for things like… breathing.
- Adults cry to express or release an emotion – which also builds up strength… to move forward.
- Alone does not mean lonely.
- Kenny G is NOT jazz!!*
- Pennies add up to thousands of dollars over time and committment.
- Change starts with your personal action and not an Obama t-shirt, bumper sticker, or catch phrase.
- communication + trust = healthy relationship
*If you disagree, please listen to artists such as Nina Simone, John Coltrane, Wynton Marsalis, Cassandra Wilson, Herbie Hancock, Freddie Hubbard, Miles Davis, Thelonious Monk, or Jimmy Smith.